http://itsnotallgumdropsandunicorns.webs.com/ –Great weekly media criticism and humor. Cartoon Sunday: More Foamy The Squirrel Christmas Shorts If you enjoy reading informative and entertaining blogs, It’s Not All Gumdrops & Unicorns is a blogging site mostly consisting of Song Saturday, Cartoon Sunday, and more. It caters to the “Young Adult” and the young at heart, 18.
Song Saturday Special: Metal Evolution’s Extreme Metal Episode
How’s it going my gumdrops? Thursday morning, I watched the documentary, “Extreme Metal.” It’s a more recent episode from the series Metal Evolution: The Lost Episode.I’m glad to have finally seen this “lost episode.” The Metal Evolution series premiered in late 2011 on the VH1 Classic Channel. I didn’t expect Banger Films Inc. to actually finish making the documentary….. [go to site to read full article]
http://horror-punks.com/tv –Guest VJ, Mark Dickinson: horror-punk legend in his own time! NEW, SEPT 2015 VIDEO FOR RITUAL OF TERROR (below)
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https://www.facebook.com/BMGGASS — DJ Scott’s rock culture comedy page, featuring his bi-monthly strip “Sick & Stupid Toontime”
https://www.facebook.com/chrisdesign00 –Webmaster, rough bizcard by DJ Scott
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